Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tea Time

There once was a time when tea was the primary drink of choice among and around the world. Social events were developed around drinking this beverage....and it was served hot.. NOT cold!
The first tea times in England were hosted at about 5 o'clock and included a menu centered around small cakes, bread and butter sandwiches, assorted sweets, and, of course, tea.

I like a nice cup of hot tea, usually Lady Grey, Darjeeling, or Irish Breakfast...but it seems as if everyone, including myself, have jumped on the bandwagon of trendy and overly advertised coffees and lattes. The only problem with it this new trend of bistros and coffee bars is that we have lost some of the unique traditions of low and high tea times with their snacks, desserts, fashion, and conversation.
Tea and Cake

Ta Ta!

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