Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wanted...More Work Space!

I wish that I could brag and say that I have this awesome large arts and crafting room to work in, but the reality of the situation is that my craft space is more like a cave that is damp, dark and warm.

I keep most of my crafting paper, pens, paints, books, and knick knacks shoved away in the tiny space that also houses two technological beasts that cause me the most work at home. It is the laundry room. It would be a large space if the washer and dryer did not live there, but then I would stink and not have clean clothes...

Yes, the converted mud room (as they used to call it) is my space. I have to share the counter space with a sink, which sometimes comes in handy, but most often it is just filled with things.

The lighting is just awful...too eye-straining bad to do pen and ink work but I don't mind the space for doing the wire sculpture art. (However, those projects are on indefinite hold since painting season is hopefully upon me.)

Here is a glimpse of a temporary workspace set up at the kitchen bar in front of my sink. Did I mention my kitchen is about the same size at the laundry room? Well, it is a "bit" bigger...

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