Thursday, June 12, 2008

Worms, worms, worms!

My daughter had me on a worm hunt the other day. Apparently she needed some friends to hold and play with as her older sister was off to school.
So here I was pulling out gaint clumps of rain soaked weeds and dirt, searching for some "wormie" friends for my littlest to find comfort with. After the fifth worm and one snail, I called it quits and encouraged her to come inside to look at them in a proper container as opposed to an old icing can.
Now, I can't blame my daughter for having a fascination with all things cute, small, and buggy. In fact, I am the one pointing out the ladybugs crawling in the grass and the worms wriggling in the street and the one encouraging her to go get some sugar to watch the ants have a field day.
So many other children and adults screech and shriek when she comes up with a handful of slugs and worms in her hands, but I think it is cute.
And, of course, that is when I got to thinking....instead of sentencing those poor little critters to death by toddler handling and torture...I would just make her a little worm she could carry with her where ever she went. Now she already had a "wormie" in green that is by the Ugly Doll brand, but I wanted one that was a bit more realistic and was not a "monster".
I had to make two because I knew my older daughter would want one also.

And, of course, I couldn't just stop there with the worms. No, oh, no....I have been thinking about those little squiggly wigglers for quite some time. Only I see them wearing top hats, beanie hats, holding balloons and lollipops and going to the circus. Just like the ants, the worms must have entire city infrastructures under the ground with all kinds of exciting things to do.
Here is what my imagination came up with! Check it out!

These adorable worm portraits were designed with Etsy in mind and will debut in the shop by this weekend. They are just so cute and fun! I think they would look great in a child's room or hanging by the kitchen sink. I will be adding a little eye screw to the top of the wooden block and then I was thinking of a red ribbon to hang it from. So cute!

Bye Now!

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